IR Policy

Information Disclosure Policy

In order to ensure transparency of corporate management, we strive to disclose accurate, timely, and appropriate corporate information. In addition to the statutory and timely disclosure required by laws and regulations, we voluntarily disclose information that we believe is important or useful for our stakeholders to deepen their understanding of our company. Furthermore, the Information Disclosure Committee, chaired by a director (excluding those who are members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee), has been established as a subordinate body of the Board of Directors to fully deliberate on important information disclosure.

IR Policy

  1. Basic Concept
    We strive to disclose corporate information accurately, timely, and appropriately in accordance with the "Information Disclosure Policy" established by the Company. In addition to the statutory disclosure and timely disclosure required by laws and regulations, we will disclose information that we consider important or useful for shareholders, investors, securities analysts, rating agencies, and others (hereinafter referred to as "the market") to deepen their understanding of our company. Moreover, we will engage in constructive dialogue with our shareholders with the aim of achieving sustainable growth and enhancing our corporate value over the medium to long term, and aim to conduct investor relations activities that contribute to enhancing shareholder value and corporate value by reflecting the market's evaluation of our company to management.
  2. Disclosures covered by this policy
    We regard following information requires disclosure.
    1. Information requiring disclosure by Japanese Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Company Act and other relevant regulations and laws (Statutory Disclosure)
      • Annual Securities Report, Quarterly Securities Report, Extraordinary Report and Internal Control Report.
      • Convocation Notice for Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, Business Report, and Non-consolidated and Consolidated Financial Statements.
    2. Information requiring disclosure by Securities Listing Regulations and other regulations set forth by Tokyo Stock Exchange (Timely Disclosure)
      • Annual Financial Report and Quarterly Financial Report
      • Decision makings, significant events, and revision on earnings forecasts, dividend forecasts and other
      • Corporate Governance Report
    3. Other information we regard important and/or useful for shareholders to deepen their understanding on the Company Group (Voluntary Disclosure)
      • Integrated Report, Earnings Release Presentation
      • Data Book and Monthly Report
  3. Disclosure process
    We will strive to disclose information in fair and prompt manner to both the domestic market and the overseas market through our website and processes designated by Financial Services Agency or the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
  4. Forward-looking statements
    In certain cases, forward-looking statements may be included in the information that we disclose. In regard to such forward-looking statements, we will strive to fully explain our assumptions, uncertain factors, etc. in order to avoid giving a false impression to the market.
  5. Silent period
    In order to prevent divulgence of financial results information and ensure fairness of information disclosure, certain period prior to announcement of financial results shall be regarded as "Silent period" where we refrain from making any comments or answering inquiries regarding financial results.
  6. Internal structure regarding disclosure
    In order to ensure timely and suitable disclosure, ACOM designates Chief Executive Officer, Director in charge of Finance Dept., Chief General Manager of Finance Dept., Chief PR & IR Officer and staffs in PR &IR Office as spokespersons who regularly interact and communicate with investors on behalf of the company.

Internal System of Information Disclosure for the Company

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